Display pieces to pocket stones will be found in this section.
Opal Spheres - Peru (one)
Pink Opal Sphere - Peru 157g
Opal Spheres - Peru (small or med)
Pair of Opal Spheres - Peru
Pink Opal Sphere - Peru
Pink Calcite Rare - Fujian Inner Mongolia
Tall pinky Rose Quartz - 9.5” tall
Phosphosiderite slab from Peru
Crystal Quartz Cluster
Pink Himalayan Quartz
Pink Himalayan Quartz Cluster
Druzy fluorite - sugar fluorite from Inner Mongolia
Druzy blue fluorite - sugar fluorite from Inner Mongolia
Aquamarine faceted gem - March Birthstone
Green Quartz point (heated)
Inner Mongolia red quartz
Starry Night - Black chalcedony with Apophyllite